Monday, September 30, 2019

Animal Cruelty

(SLIDE 1) What would you do if you saw someone hurting an animal? Most of you probably would not know what you should REALLY do. Good morning (afternoon) to Cik Nurul, and fellow friends. Today, we will be talking to you about animal abuse and cruelty. I’m Darshini Preet; and before I go further, I would like you people to know that this presentation is mainly to educate the public and particularly young people, like you, to a sense of moral responsibility towards animals. Okay, I shall begin by uncovering the â€Å"Part One† horror of cruelty against animals. SLIDE 2) Cruelty or abuse against animals is the infliction of suffering upon animals, other than humans, for purposes other than self-defence. More narrowly, it can be harm for specific gain, such as killing animals for food or for their fur. (SLIDE 3) Specifically, I will discuss cats and dogs being abused, because they are the most abused domestic animals. Domestic means that these are types of animals you can have in your home. Who in their right mind would abuse a poor defenceless cat or dog? Unfortunately, people of all ages abuse animals. This includes senior citizens, adults, teenagers and even children. Sadly, most animal abusers and killers are teenagers. (SLIDE 4) Researchers say that violence against animals often represents displaced hostility and aggression stemming from neglect or abuse by some other family member. What that means is that if a child is abused, they are more likely to be an abuser of animals. (SLIDE 5) Serious or repeated animal cruelty is seen more often in boys than girls. Associated characteristics of a child who abuses animals may include those who do poorly in school, have low self-esteem, few friends, and are bullies who may also be known for skipping school, damaging other peoples’ property and have other bad behaviours. Adults who abuse animals may have grown up in an abusive home. Sometimes, during a divorce, one adult may take out their anger on their dog or cat, to get back at the other person. Others do it for no reason. Sadly, teenagers abuse animals for fun, even though there certainly is nothing funny about what they have done. It is the exact opposite – stupidity, irrational and wrong! That’s all from me. Thank you. Now, my friend, ___________________, will continue into the next part of the horror. (SLIDE 6) Abused cats have been beaten and even killed by their owners. One cat was burned to death by teenagers. During my research, I read of two teens that killed a total of seventeen cats. One cat was put in a microwave and was killed. Another man killed his cat by hitting it with a rake. If this doesn’t make you feel sick, I don’t know what else would. (SLIDE 7) Dogs have been abused as well. Five puppies were thrown down into an outhouse hole. Luckily, someone walking by heard their pitiful whining and they were all rescued. One man killed his mother’s dog with a hammer. Another dog was neglected and abused so badly that you could see every rib on the dog. (SLIDE 8) There are agencies and people who help to rescue animals that have been abused or abandoned. These include the SPCA, which is the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. (SLIDE 9) Through researches, and articles, we found out that SPCA rescued 2669 cats in 2007. Unfortunately, in 1700 cats were put down because they were either too ill, too injured, or no one would adopt them. (SLIDE 10) The abuse and exploitation of non-human animals is pervasive throughout our society. According to the Department of Agriculture Malaysia, over 3 billion are butchered for human consumption every year, roughly 1million are suffered in laboratories, and another 5thousand are killed for their fur in Malaysia alone. (SLIDE 11) Life on Old MacDonald's farm isn't what it used to be. The cute scenes are now replaced with windowless sheds with cramped wire cages so small and tacked together is enough to drive you insane, and the conditions these animals have to go through are accepted when you are eating them, but if anything like that happened to your dog or cat you'd be thrown in jail for animal cruelty; and that of course would only happen in the USA. (SLIDE 12) Chickens and turkeys raised for meat are raised in crowded, disgusting cages until they are to die. Th ey are bred to become so big so fast that they can hardly move due to painful bone conditions. Many just drop dead from the strain on their underdeveloped hearts. Egg-laying hens are packed into wire cages that are so small to the point that they can't even lift their wings. Their feet never touch the ground, unless they have been dropped off of the conveyor belt right before meeting their death. They never get to peck for food or be happy. Instead they are forced to live in wire cages in a cold, frustrated shed. Frustrated hens will peck at their cage mates, so in order for them to prevent them from killing one another, farmers use hot blades to slice off their beaks, and sometimes parts of their tongues and even faces get cut off too! SLIDE 13) For every egg-laying hen confined in a cage, there's a male chick that was killed at the hatchery. Since egg-laying breeds have been exclusively selected for maximum production, they don't grow large enough to be raised for profitable meat. Therefore, male chicks of egg-laying breeds are of no value. When they hatch, male chicks are thrown into a dumpster to starve, or they are ground up alive. (SLIDE 14) Cattle that are being used for your steak and hamburgers are branded, their horns cut off, and are castrated; all without painkillers. Painful thought, isn't it? Why would proper veterinary care be given, when they are just going to die anyways? Lameness doesn't affect the meat. (SLIDE 15) Dairy cows get electric machines hooked up to their swollen udders around three times a day! Male claves are shipped off to veal farms after they are born, where they live their lives on short chains is putrid stalls where they can't turn around. They're kept in isolation and fed nutrient-deficient foods so that their flesh will be tender and pale when they are served as â€Å"gourmet† dishes. (SLIDE 16) Factory farm pigs spend their lives in crowded pens with concrete floors. Like birds, the pigs are drugged and bred to grow so large so fast, many can't walk. Baby boys are too castrated, and all piglets’ tails and teeth are removed so they can't bite each other while they are being raised to die. Honestly, I don't want to go into detail how these animals get killed, because it is extremely disturbing, but it is an extreme cause for concern on the subject of animal cruelty. These animals are tortured and slaughtered most that are still conscious. Would you want to look down at your cheeseburger or chicken nuggets knowing that they were tortured and butchered all while being conscious? Could you still enjoy that food? (SLIDE 17) Every year millions of animals are blinded, shocked, poisoned, mutilated, and even killed in laboratories across the world. Dogs, cats, mice, rats, and primates are all victims of horrific experiments that eventually cost them their lives. Every year, millions of animals suffer and die in painful tests to determine the â€Å"safety† of cosmetics and household products. Substances ranging from eye shadow to furniture polish are tested on rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, dogs, and several other animals, despite the fact that the test results do not help prevent or treat human illness or injury. SLIDE 18) Fur is seen as a luxury amongst the wealthy. Most people don’t know the lengths taken to trap and skin these gorgeous creatures for an impractical coat such as the ones you see at designer stores. Fur trapping is a barbaric activity done to supply people with a fur coat. The suffering is multiplied when one considers that an average of 40 animals must be killed to make one fur coat. (SLIDE 19) Is it worth your hamburgers, chicken nuggets, eye shadow, and frivolous fur coats to know that billions of animals are being killed every year for them? So when you go home today, I hope you will think about what we have told you, and the least you can give to your pet is an extra pat or hug to show them how much you love them. (SLIDE 20) Hopefully, from today, all of us will instill some sense of humanitarianism in your hearts, towards these innocent creations of GOD†¦ Thank you. – My time ends here. I’ll pass this on to____________________. Thank you. – Okay, I’m done for now. Thanks for listening. I’d like to call upon ______________________ to reveal another ridiculously, despicable inflict acted upon animals these days. Alright, I shall let ________________________ to take over the rest of the presentation. Thank you for your time. Now, we would like to play 2 of our selected video clips related to our topic- Animal Cruelty. By the way, here’s a WARNING – the second video contains graphic images that you viewers may find very disturbing. We hope you guys can watch it; or else , please turn away and plug both of your ears tight! We show these videos with the sole intention of raising awareness of how animals are treated in certain parts of the world. Thank you for your attention. Animal Cruelty Animal Cruelty Introduction: I. Did you know that nearly 1 million animals a year are victims of animal cruelty? This can contain not only abuse, but a lot of deaths. You often here the saying a dog is a man’s best friend. While if a dog is a man’s best friend why would we want to hurt or even kill them? These things lead me to the question†¦ II. How do we stop animal cruelty? Here in South Dakota, there are animal protection laws that protect the animals from things like neglect, starvation, and abuse. III. We must fully understand the causes and effects as far as the care that is being made for these animals.Once we fully understand these things, we can prevent abuse and neglect furthermore. IV. Today I am going to tell you about The Animals Protection Laws of South Dakota. Transition: The first thing I want to bring up is the general prohibitions of this law. I. There are many laws and prohibitions that are enforced in the state of South Dakota that help to proh ibit animal cruelty a. The First prohibition is giving unreasonable care to an animal even if they have a disease, injury, or disability. b. The Second Prohibition is the poisoning of an animal, whether it be one’s own animal or an animal owned by someone else. . The Third Prohibition is the killing or injuring of one’s own animal or an animal owned by someone else. d. The Fourth, and the last, Prohibition, is the inhumane treatment of an animal. Transition: The next thing that I want to talk about is the maximum penalties for committing such crimes. II. There are many penalties for animal cruelty crimes. They are divided into 2 classes which are authorized upon conviction: a. For a class 1 misdemeanor the penalty would be one year imprisonment in a county jail or two thousand dollars fine, or both. b.For a class 2 misdemeanor the penalty would be thirty days imprisonment in a county jail or five hundred dollars fine, or both. Transition: The last stage is the Law Enfo rcement Policies III. South Dakota Law Enforcement Policy holds a strict standard. The enforcement policies are as follows: a. The South Dakota Animal Industry Board shall address any animal endangerment situations and enforce the law on any concerning cattle, horses, sheep, swine and other nonlivestock animals. b. The board or any officer of a humane society may administer oaths, take statements, access papers and other documents in order to justify the situation. . Law enforcement and animal control agencies may enforce animal control. Officers may request that law enforcement arrest suspects of people who do not abide by the law. Transition: As you can see South Dakota holds high policies regarding animal cruelty and these enforcements help maintain healthy living for these animals. Here’s a video of some animals that have experienced abuse and cruelty first hand. Video Conclusion: I. Sadly, no matter what the prohibitions and laws are, there’s no way to fully avoid animal cruelty and it can often be overlooked.However, with these laws, it can help limit the amount of animals that are abused or die because of cruelty. II. As I’ve discussed, animal cruelty is a concerning problem for not only the state of South Dakota, but everywhere. a. It has many causes ranging from abuse to neglect, or eventual death b. Its effects can provide a saddening outcome, such as the loss of a pet or jail time. c. Fortunately, we can help prevent this by taking good care of our animals. and reporting suspicious instances. III. What I’ve discussed should give you insight on how to avoid animal cruelty and make for a better tomorrow for animals all around the world. Animal Cruelty PETA, or â€Å"{People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals† is the largest animal rights organization in the world. Along with their website, www. cowsarecool. com, PETA and it’s two million followers help spread awareness through education, special events, and even celebrity involvement. They believe animals are here to help the world by means other than food, clothing, and entertainment. Farm animals, are of course, vital to the meat industry. PETA believes that the animals sent to slaughterhouses, are just as compassionate and intelligent as our very own furry friends. These animals endure harsh conditions, negligence, and mutilation. According to PETA, completely cutting out meat to prevent animal cruelty is the way to go. The vegan lifestyle is also said to provide all the necessary nutrients minus the fats and cholesterol and could potentially add ten years to your life. Majority of leather comes from fur farms in developing countries where animals spend every day suffering from extremely miserable, poor living conditions. Not only that, but they’re killed in the cruelest of ways; Suffocation, electrocution, gassing, and poisoning are the main forms of methods. PETA recently did an investigation in India to find that cows even have their tails broken and chili peppers and tobacco rubbed into their eyes so that they will walk after they collapse while traveling long distances to be skinned alive. PETA says, â€Å"With so many fashionable, comfortable options available today, there is no excuse for wearing any animal skins. † Circus animals are encouraged to do silly, physically demanding tricks in exchange for dirty, small living spaces, plus a minimal supply of food and water. The animals’ need are usually last simply because businesses are all about money. If they don’t do as they are told, beatings, whippings, and shocks from an electric collar are in store for them. PETA feels that even those kept in zoos, rodeos, and marine parks aren’t living the life they deserve and determined to get animals out of the entertainment business. The PETA website seemed very well organized and thought out. Even though a bit persuasive, I’ll unfortunately be a carnivore until the day I die. I will, nevertheless, watch out more for those certain clothing materials derived from animal skin. I don’t agree, however, with their opinion on animals used for entertainment purposes- most animals love and value their trainers and are actually very spoiled, happy and healthy animals who aren’t mistreated. Animal Cruelty Animal Cruelty Introduction: I. Did you know that nearly 1 million animals a year are victims of animal cruelty? This can contain not only abuse, but a lot of deaths. You often here the saying a dog is a man’s best friend. While if a dog is a man’s best friend why would we want to hurt or even kill them? These things lead me to the question†¦ II. How do we stop animal cruelty? Here in South Dakota, there are animal protection laws that protect the animals from things like neglect, starvation, and abuse. III. We must fully understand the causes and effects as far as the care that is being made for these animals.Once we fully understand these things, we can prevent abuse and neglect furthermore. IV. Today I am going to tell you about The Animals Protection Laws of South Dakota. Transition: The first thing I want to bring up is the general prohibitions of this law. I. There are many laws and prohibitions that are enforced in the state of South Dakota that help to proh ibit animal cruelty a. The First prohibition is giving unreasonable care to an animal even if they have a disease, injury, or disability. b. The Second Prohibition is the poisoning of an animal, whether it be one’s own animal or an animal owned by someone else. . The Third Prohibition is the killing or injuring of one’s own animal or an animal owned by someone else. d. The Fourth, and the last, Prohibition, is the inhumane treatment of an animal. Transition: The next thing that I want to talk about is the maximum penalties for committing such crimes. II. There are many penalties for animal cruelty crimes. They are divided into 2 classes which are authorized upon conviction: a. For a class 1 misdemeanor the penalty would be one year imprisonment in a county jail or two thousand dollars fine, or both. b.For a class 2 misdemeanor the penalty would be thirty days imprisonment in a county jail or five hundred dollars fine, or both. Transition: The last stage is the Law Enfo rcement Policies III. South Dakota Law Enforcement Policy holds a strict standard. The enforcement policies are as follows: a. The South Dakota Animal Industry Board shall address any animal endangerment situations and enforce the law on any concerning cattle, horses, sheep, swine and other nonlivestock animals. b. The board or any officer of a humane society may administer oaths, take statements, access papers and other documents in order to justify the situation. . Law enforcement and animal control agencies may enforce animal control. Officers may request that law enforcement arrest suspects of people who do not abide by the law. Transition: As you can see South Dakota holds high policies regarding animal cruelty and these enforcements help maintain healthy living for these animals. Here’s a video of some animals that have experienced abuse and cruelty first hand. Video Conclusion: I. Sadly, no matter what the prohibitions and laws are, there’s no way to fully avoid animal cruelty and it can often be overlooked.However, with these laws, it can help limit the amount of animals that are abused or die because of cruelty. II. As I’ve discussed, animal cruelty is a concerning problem for not only the state of South Dakota, but everywhere. a. It has many causes ranging from abuse to neglect, or eventual death b. Its effects can provide a saddening outcome, such as the loss of a pet or jail time. c. Fortunately, we can help prevent this by taking good care of our animals. and reporting suspicious instances. III. What I’ve discussed should give you insight on how to avoid animal cruelty and make for a better tomorrow for animals all around the world.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Barbie Doll:Represent What A perfect American Woman Is

Jennifer Perez ENC 1102 Research Paper Marge Piercy ever herd this name before? Well if you have, did you know she was the founder of Leap track Press? Marge Piercy is very well known as an American poet, novelist and social activist. Many of he founded work has been graded as best-selling. Piercy has a goal to have her feminist voice be herd by society. She shares her opinions threw the characters she makes in her writing and poetry. Piercy wrote the poem Barbie Doll, and in this poem she states woman do not need to fit into society’s point of view of what a woman should look and act like.Piercy has a fascinating history and high valued awards, but what was Piercy’s message to her audience when Barbie Doll was published in 1973. Piercy was born on March 31, 1936 in Detroit, Michigan into a family that was greatly affected by the great depression. As a child Piercy lived in a segregated neighborhood. Piercy has a half-brother from her mother’s side who is fourtee n years older than her. She was raised in the Jewish religion by her grandmother and her mother. Till this day Piercy still remains a Jew.Piercy attended a public school in Detroit and half way through grade school she became sick with the German measles and rheumatic fever. When she got ill Piercy was disabled from doing what all of the other kids were doing as a result she built an unconditional love towards the world of literature. Piercy attended the University of Michigan and was the first in her family to attend college. At seventeen, Piercy won a Hopwood award for poetry and fiction. The scholarship money that she had won because of the award enabled her to finish college.She enjoyed the college style of life but found it very difficult to find her comfort zone because of all of the political decisions government had made for woman. Her schooling finished with an M. A from Northwestern University. After her first marriage Piercy lived in Chicago. She proceeded in writing and tried her best to develop poetry and fiction she was not yet able to produce. As a woman society had a horrible out-look on her. Piercy was a twenty three divorce woman living pay check to pay check on multiple part time jobs. She became and activist for the civil rights movement. She wanted woman to be valued not minimized.Piercy’s early work was omitted because of her feminist viewpoints. In 1982 Piercy married Ira Wood. As soon as her marriage was finalized the couple moved to Cape Cod. Wood and Piercy are both a part of the same work field. Wood is an author, teacher, a former publisher, and the host of a weekly radio talk show called â€Å"The Lowdown. † The due wrote a play titled â€Å"The Last White Class† and a novel called â€Å"Storm Tide. † In 1997 they founded a small literary publishing company called Leapfrog Press. Piercy and Wood have a very intimate and loving relationship, till this day the couple is still living in Cape Cod.Piercy neve r considered herself to fit into the image of what a woman was supposed to be like in the 1950’s. Piercy published her first novel called â€Å"Going Down Fast† in 1969. It was very difficult for Piercy to publish her first book because many did not agree with her feminist viewpoints. Piercy is the author of seventeen novels including four of New York Times best sellers and eighteen volumes of poetry. Piercy has played major roles in progressive political battles of our time. She was in activist in the anti-Vietnam war and the woman’s movement, and most recently an active participant in the resistance to the War in Iraq.Her novels â€Å"Woman on the Edge of Time† and â€Å"He, She and It† have great political commitment and imaginative power. With the Baby Boom era in play woman were becoming wives and mothers rapidly. During the Mid fifty’s thou 35 percent of all woman were working and a quarter of them married. Piercy was divorced, unsucce ssful, and had multiple part time jobs at a young age. She worked as a secretary, a switchboard operator, a clerk in a department store, an artist model, and a faculty instructor.Consequently society looked down upon her and fell into the 35 percent of working woman. Piercy’s poem â€Å"Barbie Doll appears in her collection, â€Å"To Be of Us,† published in 1973. Piercy fundamentally states how humanity classifies woman for their stereotypical demeanor. Piercy uses a Barbie Doll to represent what a perfect American woman should appear as. The Poem begins with a normal young â€Å"girlchild† who plays with dolls, miniature kitchen items and pretend make-up. The poem takes an unsuspicious turn when the young girl was criticized by an outsider.He or she claimed she had to â€Å"exercise, diet, smile and wheedle† (page 647 line 14). The poem continues and there is a visual moment of her lying in a casket without her nose and legs â€Å"So she cut off her no se and her legs and offered them up†(page 647 line 17-18). Piercy uses the young child’s image as a representation of a Barbie Doll. The young child shows description that challenges were being faced by women of all ages who do not feel as if they do not fit society standards of being a woman. Despite of how sorrowful she felt the truth is she was healthy, happy, intelligent, and beautiful.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Assignment 5 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

5 - Assignment Example During this era, people used equipments to improve production operations. Scientific management methods and mass-production moving assembly lines were the innovation at that time. The supply chains at that time were suited to move the many products that were being produced. In the early 1970s, many manufacturers were good producers, but they were challenged by other firms that made higher quality products at lower costs. Therefore, the era was named lean manufacturing/quality control era, where many manufacturers mainly focused their attention on improving quality of their products. They also improved their supply chains. In the beginning of the year 1996, the information-engineering era began. Communication became the most important component in any business. The businesses have come up with effectively information technologies. In this era, the supply chains involve use the Internet and new information and communications technologies. This supply chains are faster compared to the others. The development and implementation of electricity, roads, rails, and communications systems provided ways in which supply was done. People and goods could be moved from their homes into factories. The supply chains at that time were suited to move the many products that were being produced. Therefore, the era was named lean manufacturing/quality control era, where many manufacturers mainly focused their attention on improving quality of their products. They also improved their supply chains (b) China and India and other low-cost providers in other nations that are responsible for increased outsourcing and off shoring fit into what is being said in this paper in that they develop competitive advantages. They make effective use of the Internet and other information technologies to provide high quality products at lower prices. They provide competition to other firms making them even more vigilant. This improves the global competitiveness among

Friday, September 27, 2019

Introduction to law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Introduction to law - Essay Example The provided case could be determined as the conduct of fraudulent activity. In relation to the aforementioned case, it can be affirmed that fraud is defined as an act of dishonesty, which is generally undertaken for acquiring certain personal benefits. Under the Fraud Act 2006, a person who founds to be guilty in performing any fraudulent activity is treated under subsection (2). This section of the law defines fraud under three situations i.e. ‘fraud by false representation’, ‘fraud by failing to disclose information’ and ‘fraud by abuse of position’ (Crown, 2006). With this concern, the provided case can be categorised falling into the situation of ‘fraud by false representation.’ It was the private individual i.e. Clark who made a false representation in terms of not disclosing the actual details of the clock and claiming it to be an antique of the 17th century. It can be obviously stated that the dishonest act of Clark dishonesty was intended not to disclose the truth for reaping personal benefits. Thu s, Section 2(3) of the Fraud Act 2006 can be applied in this provided case (Crown, 2006). After acquiring a preliminary understanding about the case provided, it can be affirmed that this case could be placed before the county court. Stewart can file a case in opposition to the fraudulent activity performed by Clark, as he intentionally did not disclosed the details of the good for his own personal gain. Stewart before filling the case must collect all the relevant documents against the defendant i.e. Clark, so that the defendant does not get a scope to strike out the case. The parties could even opt for pre-action claims through settling out the dispute without the intervention of the court. Sanctions regarding the settlement of the dispute could be gained through obtaining a monetary compensation from the party charged with the conduct of fraudulent

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Financial analysis of Autonomy Corporation Essay

Financial analysis of Autonomy Corporation - Essay Example The present study would focus on the Autonomy Corporation is a global enterprise that has dual corporate headquarters in Cambridge, United Kingdom and San Francisco, USA. The company has a presence in four continents: North America, South America, Europe, and Asia Pacific. The firm has more than 400 major clients including Oracle, IBM, HP, and Novell which are users and supporters of the firm’s technological products. This paper will analyze the financial standing of the company based on the use of financial and ratio analysis. In fiscal year 2010 Autonomy Corporation generated $870.36 million in sales (Morningstar, 2010). The sales total of the company increased by 17.66% in comparison with the previous fiscal year. The average selling price of the company was $790,000 which is a stable metric in this industry. The firm achieved a net profit of $296.21 million in 2010. The profitability of the company in 2010 is outstanding due to the fact the net margin of the company was 34 %. The net margin of the company was very impressive considering the fact that the industry net margin in the software industry is a very low 1.7%. The net margin is a financial ratio that measures the absolute profitability of the business. The net margin of Autonomy Corporation in 2010 was 32.3% higher than the industry average. The gross margin of the company was an outstanding 87%. The gross margin is a broad measure of profitability. The stockholders of the company benefited from the great earnings of the company. The earnings per share of the firm in 2010 was $1.11. Earnings per share tend to have an effect on the market price per share, as reflected in the price earnings ratio (Garrison & Noreen, 2011). The common stocks of Autonomy Corporation are traded in the London Stock Exchange. The firm’s website claims that the stock symbol of the firm is AU.L. Upon further research at various financial websites it appears that Autonomy Corporation’s stock are being trad ed in the London Stock Exchange under the symbol 5053.L; the current stock price of Autonomy Corporation is $2,549 per share (Yahoo, 2011). The revenue per employee of the company in 2010 was $463,000 which is 5% better than in 2009. During 2010 one of the highest expense accounts of the company was its research and development expense. The company spent $114.75 million in R&D. During the last five years the company has more than double its R&D expenses. This is a good sign because investing in research and development allows companies to develop new products and technologies. Patents are born out of the efforts of the R&D team. Two additional financial ratios are the return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE). Return on assets measures how well assets have been employed by management, while return on equity when compared to return on assets measures the extent to which financial leverage is working for or against common stockholders (Garrison, et. al, 2003). The return on as sets of Autonomy Corporation in 2010 was 9.02%. The ROA of the company is better than the industry average of 6.9% (Dun & Bradstreet, 2011). The return on equity of Autonomy Corporation in 2010 was 14.33%. The ROE of the firm is 6.17% below the norm in the software industry. The current ratio measures a company’s ability to pay off its short term debt. The current ratio

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Whole Foods financial recommendation for the next 2 years Essay

Whole Foods financial recommendation for the next 2 years - Essay Example The company still plans to expand into other areas such as Australia, United Kingdom and the United States as well. Besides the expansion, Whole Foods also seems interested in introducing new private label product lines. Thus for such an expansion and introduction of new product line, the company would need some capital/investment. There are two broad ways in which the company can obtain additional capital in order to finance all its plans. Those two sources of finance are: Equity Finance: This is a way through which Whole Foods Market can issue their shares within the market. Each share issues within the market would fetch the company some funds. The company would issue the number of shares that they might consider appropriate for the expansion plans. Equity finance is expensive to achieve because of its attached costs such as Advertisement costs, Brokerage costs and in some instance Underwriting costs. The only attractiveness of Equity finance is that it is less risky than debt finance (the other source of finance) as the shareholders i.e. the owners would not have to be mandatorily paid their invested amount. Debt Finance: Debt Finance can be acquired through Banks, private and other institutional investors. Debt finance is basically a loan commitment that has to be paid as soon as it falls due. Although debt finance is cheaper than equity finance, it carries with itself a burden to repay the liability as soon as it falls due and it is because of this reason that debt finance is considered to be risky. The other issues that are related to debt finance are that the term of the loan would also be of the essence. Longer the period, higher would be the cost of debt i.e. the interest rate that would have to be paid on the loan commitment. Hence it can be argued that it depends upon a company’s culture, philosophy and risk appetite as to how the expansion may be financed. Equity finance would lead to the dilution of shares, which

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Communication in health and social care organisations Essay

Communication in health and social care organisations - Essay Example The essay will outline important factors that are known to have a huge impact on communication including values, culture legislations and other rules that govern the health and social care sector. The essay also gives suggestions on how communication can be improved to have a greater impact on health and social care. Additionally, the paper will give a discussion of basic software that are used by health practitioners, an evaluation of the advantages associated with such applications, a description of how this technology develops operations in the profession and examines the legal considerations that are important in the use of information and communication technology. The entity provides generalized care for patients with mental and physical illnesses. Patient-practitioner communication is vital in health care and service delivery. To begin with, health practitioners should exercise decorum while retrieving information from the patients. At times, the patients are writhing in pain, which affects communication. For example, in the case of Ann, she was feeling pain in a number of her body parts. This affected communication. Initially, she could speak. However, when the situation escalated, her words were slurred, due to the pounding headache. After a while, she could no longer speak. Secondly, there is an issue with the emergency telephone numbers in the healthcare system. Paul, Ann’s husband spent an arguably long time over the telephone trying to reach the emergency care numbers. This situation evidently shows that the healthcare system is not prepared for emergencies (Senker, 2013:14). For effective communication, there is a need for constant information flow from the sender to the receiver. However, when the means of comm unication are not effective, the information flow is distorted. Due to impending conditions, her husband

Monday, September 23, 2019

Principles of magic and the mechanical philosophy Essay

Principles of magic and the mechanical philosophy - Essay Example Additionally, there was enchaining or bonding. The images that he presents are very detailed with various planetary natures that are always in action. The central point of these images is to communicate to the pneuma which is the astral body of the human beings and also the spirit. The soul of the person who views these images is attracted by them and thus apprehends them thus giving the person knowledge and wisdom. Therefore, the emphases for Bruno is the fact that there are always chains and bonds formed that are capable of communicating to the human soul. The chains and bonds that are supreme he referred to as vincula in his magic. He further goes on to say that: â€Å"There are three gates through which the hunter of souls [animarum venator] ventures to bind: vision, hearing and mind or imagination. If it happens that someone passes through all three of these gates, he binds most powerfully and ties down most tightly† (Bruno, 1997, p.155).In her book, the death of nature, Carolyn Merchant attempts to document the ecological and economic changes that were ongoing in Western Europe in the late 16th and early 17th century. Sweeping changes in both ecology and technology made it possible for there to be material conditions which facilitated the existence of new ideas. Although she cautions that her argument does not wholly support that material changes did not necessarily lead to ideological changes, she says that there are some ideas that appear more prevalent than others in a given period of time. Furthermore, she claims that some ideas like those associated with magic and an organic view of the world become less compelling whereas the mechanical approaches are developed and adopted. There seems to be a back and forth argument in The Death of Nature between the social conditions as well as material conditions associated with nature and science. The strongest ideas are however those that are in support of the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Fossils and the Geologic Column Essay Example for Free

Fossils and the Geologic Column Essay Starting from the 18th Century, scientist had been able to provide methods of knowing the world’s prehistory. One of this is the use of fossils to determine the relative age of strata. Fossils are the remains of living organisms that had lived long time ago while strata are the geological divisions each made out of contiguous layers that exhibits consistent characteristics. Comparing the sets of fossils that exist within different localities gives a hint for geologist whether the layers concerned are of the same strata or not. The relative age of the localities could be based on the fossil’s relative age that is then determined through carbon dating. As scientist had established that fossils of a certain organism had lived within a certain span of time, it is then compared to other organism which would be also found out to have lived within that same time span. Their similarities would be drawn out that made possible the broader division of the Earth’s history into Eras namely the Cenozoic Era or the Age of Recent life, Mesozoic Era or the Age of the Medieval Life, and the Palaeozoic Era or the Age of the Ancient Life. Each of them would be further divided into Periods, which is then based on the disturbances that had been theorized to shape the earth’s crust. The time span that is believed that no fossils can be found out is called the Precambrian Period. In analyzing figure 3. 6, we could tell that the three localities though bordered many kilometers apart, have fossil assemblages because almost all of them have Dictyoclostus americanus from the Pennsylvanian Period, Prolecanites gurleyi from Mississippian Period, Palmatolepus unicornis from Devonian Period and Bathyurus extans from Ordovian Period. This states that the three localities had been for some time span or period had been part of the earth’s outer crust. Though locality 3 had Stratum D and Prolecanites gurleyi missing, this that not means that locality 3 does not exist as part of the earth’s crust because either stratum D was never deposited there or it may had been there but then removed through erosion. The boundary between C and E then would be a disconformity. References Index Fossils. Retrieved June 6, 2008 from http://pubs. usgs. gov/gip/geotime/fossils. html

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Is Single Life or Married Life Better Essay Example for Free

Is Single Life or Married Life Better Essay In my culture, you used to be required to be married in order to be treated as a grown up or an adult. That concept had been in my culture for more than a thousand years. As time changed, that concept has somewhat changed too. Nowadays, being married in an option. Many people prefer to stay single and are living happily with their choices, but many others disagree. They think that you need to be married to achieve ultimate happiness. So, what are the differences between being married and being single? The three most popular arguments between a married life and a single life are freedom, social ife and finance. Let’s start with the first difference: freedom, since it is the first thing you give up when you marry to someone. Coming along with marriage is responsibilities, it means that you have to take care of your partner, your children, you cannot just decide to do anything on your own anymore. You can’t take off and do anything you want anymore, because most of your time will be dedicated to your family. So, whenever you want to go out with your friends, you need to ask your partner for permission. Things are ifferent when you are single. When you are single, you have full control over your life, you are not bound to any responsibility but your own. If you need to take a break from the stress from your work, you can just take off by yourself. When you want to go out with your friends, you don’t need to ask anyone’s permissions. In contrast, you have busy life taking care of you parent and your children, and you don’t get enough time to go out and enjoy yourself. If you’re married, you don’t have to worry about your social life. It won’t be a hassle if you ecide to go out or need someone to hang out with because your partner will always be there. Since you and your parent have become a package, your amount of friends will become double concluding your partner’s source of friends. You get to meet more people with more choices of activity. But, things are much more difficult for a single person than a married couple in social life. People who are single always have to worry about their companion whenever they are out. They don’t have such a stable friend or partner every time they go out. Instead, they need to call many friends before they find a suitable partner for the night, or they need to spend more time making new friends. Also their choices of activity are limited and predictable since there are only some activity for single person. So in comparison, people who are married will save time in finding a partner for their social activity with a lot more choices. Last but not least, finance. It is very controversy topic whether you will save more money staying single or earn more money being a married couple. According to Tom Van Riper on Forbes. com, married couples have the advantage in the short term compared to single life, where only 9. 3% of monthly gross income goes for rent compared with 23% for single, 5. 6% vs. 8. 3% for food, 1% vs. 1. 8% for cable television, and 1. 2% vs. 2. 8% for telephone bill. In addition, auto insurers place married couple in a lower risk class, saving them money on car insurance. On the other hand, once the children enter the picture, which can bring a married couple in financial trouble, a child’s cost can goes up to $4000 per onth ascending in ages. Despite the expenses, single people actually do better in buying houses. Annually, standard deduction for a single person is $4,750 per year, where married couple stands at $7,950 per year. Moreover, married couple tend to start saving for retirement early on, while singles generally wait until they’re 40, which means singles have more free cash in their pocket than married couple. As I stated in the introduction, nowadays, being single or married is a choice, which many eople choose differently according to the perks they encountered. But beyond the perks, you need to choose wisely with another point of view where you can acknowledge advantage and disadvantage of being single or married. Married life comes with responsibility, where you need make the correct decisions every day and taking care of your partner and your children; while single life offers freedom, escape from the burden of responsibilities, but lonely in the late years of your life. It has been always a tough decision.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Causes Of Depression Psychology Essay

The Causes Of Depression Psychology Essay The emotion of sadness is normal in response to everyday stressful or upsetting events like losing a loved one or running into financial difficulty. These feelings are usually only temporarily and should resolve once the grieving period is over or once the disturbing event has been resolved. When the feeling of sadness remains for longer than is reasonable or it starts to interfere with an individuals daily activities or personal relationships it may signal the onset of depression. The causes of depression Modern day imaging technologies like Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) have demonstrated significant differences in the anatomy of depressions patients brains compared to those of people who do not suffer from depression. The specific parts of the brain displaying these abnormalities include the mood, higher thought, sleep, appetite and behavioural centres in the brain. Unfortunately these imaging modalities do not give information on the cause of these abnormalities. One of the challenges with diagnosing and treating depression effectively is that it is caused by a combination of factors instead of just one easily identifiable factor. It has long been accepted that depression is caused by a combination of genetic, biological, environmental and psychological factors. The one common factor is that it is always linked to the brain. The genetic factor is proven by the fact that depression tends to run in families and if an individual has a close relative who suffers from depression it naturally increases that individuals risk of also developing depression. Certain genes are being studied by scientists as it is suspected that these genes combined with other factors can increase a persons risk of developing depression. Genes are suspected to be responsible for the regulation of neurotransmitters and if scientists can identify these genes they can accurately predict which patients will respond to specific anti-depressant drugs and which wont. It is however possible for people with no family history to also develop depression. The biological aspect of depression is very closely related to the genetic one, since an individuals genes will influence the biological working of his or her body. Scientists believe that depression may also be caused by an imbalance in the important neurotransmitters of the brain. This theory is difficult to prove but the effective use of serotonin re-uptake inhibitors in some patients support this theory. The important neurotransmitters that play a part in the onset and development of depression are serotonin, acetylcholine, catecholamine and corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF). Scientists believe it is as a result of the hormonal changes women are exposed to during their monthly cycle that may also influence the neurotransmitters in the brain. One example is of a recent study which exposed the link between serotonin and oestrogen. As the oestrogen levels drop after ovulation the serotonin levels in a womans brain also drops causing her to feel anxious or depressed. In the same way the rapid hormonal changes after giving birth is believed to be one of the mayor factors leading to postpartum depression. Unfortunately menopausal women are not spared as they too are exposed to changing hormonal patterns during this stage of their lives. Environmental factors that may trigger depression include the loss of a loved one, divorce, losing a job or failing at an important task. Short term sadness is a normal response to these triggers and should not be confused with depression that is a more severe, debilitating mental illness. People differ in how they deal with everyday troubles and this can be traced back to the psychological make-up of each individual. When faced with a stressful situation people can revert to coping mechanisms, some of which they may have learned from childhood. Where one individual may rely on alcohol to ease their psychological pain another may rely on comfort eating or cigarettes. Unfortunately these coping mechanisms can either trigger the onset of depression or worsen already existing depression. Alcohol and drug abuse are often seen in men, more than in women, but both these coping mechanisms can cause and worsen depression. Another example is an individual who suffers from insomnia, also a psychological response, which can lead to depression. Some psychological disorders like anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder, social phobia and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) can co-exist with depression. It is also possible for depression to develop as a result of these disorders. Diseases like cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and Parkinsons disease can cause depression. The depression symptoms can be worsened by the presence of the disease and the disease symptoms can be worsened by the presence of depression. In these instances treating the depression can alleviate the symptoms associated with the disease. Risk factors for depression Depression is a severe mental illness which can afflict anyone, even children, at any stage of their life. There are however prevalent risk factors associated with depression. These risk factors include: People who are aged 49 54. Being of the female gender Living in poverty Alcohol or drug abuse Serious illness Age associated with depression The median age at which depression occurs for the first time may be 32, but the highest depression rates are seen among people aged 49 to 54. One of the reasons may be due to hormonal fluctuations in women caused by menopause. Another important reason may be due to the development of serious illnesses associated with this age group. Diseases that may develop during at this life stage include heart disease and cancer. Financial tension related to specifically retirement goals may be another factor that can influence the onset of depression. Gender associated with depression The relationship between the hormonal changes in a womans body and the occurrence of depression has already been discussed. Apart from these hormonal changes women are exposed to more sociocultural stressors as they have to fulfil multiple roles like earning an income, raising children, and running a household. It is also estimated that many women have suffered from a history of sexual abuse further increasing their risk for developing depression. Poverty associated with depression People who live in poverty struggle to make ends meet causing them to be in a continuous stressful state, feeling overwhelmed and incapable of taking control over their own lives. Loss of control, like that seen in poverty and at the onset of a serious illness, is a major contributing factor in the development of depression. Alcohol or drug abuse Although alcohol abuse is seen in women and men alike, it tends to be more prevalent amongst members of the male gender. Men tend to be less emotionally open and willing to discuss their problems rather turning to alcohol or drug abuse. The sedative effect that these substances have can make it harder for an individual to accept responsibility for their own lives or the lives of their families. In turn this may lead to feelings of inadequacy and consequently depression. Serious illness Diseases like cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and Parkinsons disease can cause an individual to feel like they have lost control over their own lives. When an individual becomes dependant on home care or the care of family members feeling like they are a burden to others combined with the financial burden of a serious disease can worsen their depression.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Airports & Pollution Essay -- essays research papers

Airports and Pollution Abstract How do airports affect the environment and the area surrounding an airport? Transportation through the air is an ever-growing portion of the way people get to their destinations these days. But how many people know about the forms of pollution that occur at an airport. Noise pollution, water pollution, and air pollution are some of the effects at airports and the area around them that are occurring today. Airports and Pollution   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The many effects of the ever-growing aspect of airports and the rapidly demanding growth of transportation through the air may be spoiling the environment that we live in today. The most noted form of pollution that occurs from airports and the planes that fly in and out of them everyday would be noise pollution. To express sound we often refer to the word decibel. Decibel is a shorthand way to express the amplitude of sound. Prolonged exposure over 85 decibels that could occur at any point of your daily routine could signal the beginning of hearing loss. Just to give you a few examples of the decibel values of some common everyday activities, at the clothing department of a large store you could experience 53 decibels. Normal everyday conversation with someone sitting next to you exposes you to 60 decibels. Heavy city traffic exposes you to 92 decibels. A jet liner traveling 500 feet overhead from you exposes you to 115 decibels. That’s 30 decibels over th e point where hearing could be damaged if there is a prolonged exposure.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Water pollution at airports is another major concern for us as citizens. Water pollution affects more people that just the ones located near an airport. 45 of the 50 busiest airports in America today are located within three miles of a major waterway according to the National Resources Defense Council. The major pollutant, a substance called ethylene glycol or propylene glycol, is one of the major substances that are getting into our waterways. Glycol is used for de-icing the airplanes during the winter weather season. At 93 airports during the 1989-1991 timeframe, more than four million gallons of glycol was used for de-icing purposes. With well over 500 certified airports in the United States, the actual amount emitted is much higher than reported. During de-icing, the airlines mi... ... cost twenty five hundred dollars.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The final pollution issue is the air pollution aspect from the airports. The airplanes that are taxing could reduce fuel consumption and engine emissions by taxiing on only one engine. Single engine taxiing saves fuel and reduces emissions substantially. Delta Airlines Pilot generally only use one engine to taxi, and at their hub in Atlanta, this strategy saved more than 5.9 million in fuel costs in 1995 alone. References Aviation Noise Effects (March 1985) Comparative Noise Levels. Retrieved February 21, 2005 from the Noise Pollution Web site: Environmental Health Perspectives (1997) Environmental Health Issues. Retrieved February 18, 2005 from the Environmental Health Perspectives Web site: Nader, R., & Smith, W. (1994). Collision Course: The Truth About Airline Safety. Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania: McGraw Hill Hardaway, R. (1991). Airport Regulations, Law, and Public Policy. Westport, Connecticut: Quorum Books Linton, R. (1970). Terracide; America’s Destruction of Her Living Environment Hampstead, Maryland: Little Brown & Company

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Queen Elizabeth’s Treatment of Catholics Essay -- British History

Queen Elizabeth’s Treatment of Catholics The reformation of England had been a long drawn out affair dating back to King Henry VIII’s Act of Supremacy in 1534. By the accession of Elizabeth in 1558, many historians believe that she inherited a country, which was still predominantly Catholic in belief. Although people of South Eastern England were likely to be influenced by the peoples of Europe, who were experiencing reforms, Doran (1994) suggests that the number of Protestants accounted for just 14 per cent of the population of Sussex and less than 10 per cent in Kent. Whether rural lifestyles were largely unaffected by changing religious doctrine due to a primitive communications network or general disinterest, as long as the laity were allowed to continue living as they had previously, is open for debate. However the attitudes of city dwellers in London, England’s premier city and official residence of the monarchy were quite different. The brief rule of Queen Mary, Elizabeth’s predecessor and Catholic half sister had brought about the restoration of Catholic practices and also a regime of Protestant persecution. Public executions of branded heretics proved to have an adverse reaction as it created strong anti-Catholic sentiment and rather than to extirpate the Protestant faith, those who converted to Protestantism, if they were not exiled went underground. Described by Briscoe (2000), Elizabeth I is considered to be one of the country’s most successful and popular monarchs. Unlike the reign of her sister Mary, which was by and large disastrous, Elizabeth made herself a powerful image of female authority ‘through the embellishment and through concrete policies that she urged her nation to follow’ (Jagger (1995)). Her policies could be attributed to the rigorous education she received as a child, which included history, languages, moral philosophy, theology and rhetoric. Her tutor Roger Ascham believed her mind to have no ‘womanly weaknesses, and her perseverance and memory to be equal to that of a man’ (Jagger (1995)). As an adult however, although very intelligent, ruthless and calculating at times, she was also renowned for her indecisive nature. This was due to the fact that ‘she sought peace above all other objects’ (Johnson (1974) p2): a trait, which many historians believe to have come from her father. Elizabeth viewed Catholicism as ... ... Doran S. (1994), Elizabeth I and religion 1558 – 1603, p48  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Routledge Doran S. (1994), Elizabeth I and religion 1558 – 1603, p7 Routledge Doran S. (1994), Elizabeth I and religion 1558 – 1603. Routledge Jagger A. (1995) The life of Elizabeth I Johnson P. (1974) Elizabeth: A Study in Power and Intellect Weidenfeld & Nicolson Johnson P. (1974) Elizabeth: A Study in Power and Intellect Weidenfeld & Nicolson Johnson P. (1974) Elizabeth: A Study in Power and Intellect Weidenfeld & Nicolson Queen Elizabeth I quote: Modern History Sourcebook: Queen Elizabeth I of England Selected Writing and Speeches McGrath P. 1967, Papists and Puritans under Elizabeth I, Blandford Press McGrath P. 1967, Papists and Puritans under Elizabeth I, Blandford Press Warren J. (1998), Elizabeth I: Religion and foreign affairs, Hodder & Stoughton Warren J. (1998), Elizabeth I: Religion and foreign affairs, p66 Hodder & Stoughton Warren J. (1998), Elizabeth I: Religion and foreign affairs, p69 Hodder & Stoughton Warren J. (1998), Elizabeth I: Religion and foreign affairs. Hodder & Stoughton   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Hu300 Unit 7 Views on Happiness

Views on Happiness Charlotte Briscoe HU 300 Kaplan University ? What Happiness means to others The first person I interviewed was a close friend of mine named Gabrielle Hine. She is twenty three years old and we went to high school together. We have been friends since we were both thirteen years old and actually she entered the school a few months before me. We tend to have very similar taste in everything from food down to music and clothes, it does tend to get quite freaky at times. The second person I interviewed was my neighbour Natalie Goodwin. She is a thirty three year old single mom with four kids.I have passed her a few times in the hall as we live on the same floor but she live in one direction and I the other. We mostly talk about our children or the loud noises on the street. Before asking to interview her I really did not know much about her or her background. Interview with Gabrielle Question: How would you define Happiness? Response: Happiness for me is getting time to spend with my close friends and family. The time when I am at my happiest is when I am back home spending quality time with my twin sisters. Living so far away I don’t get to be a big sister to them much so any time we do have is cherish able.Question: Has your definition of Happiness changed over time? Response: Yes my definition of Happiness has changed with my age. When I was a teenager my definition of happiness relied upon boys and make up. If a boy I fancied liked me back that made me one of the happiest teenagers around. Question: What experiences have influenced your definition? Response: I guess you could say time and age have influenced my definition. Not only these factors but the loss of a close family member has also made me realise that family and time spent with them really is important.Question: Do you expect your definition to change in the future? Response: Yes I can say that this definition will change when I have kids and when my children have their child ren. Question: What is your happiest memory to date? Response: That is a hard question but probably the day my twin sisters asked me advice about boys. This memory reminds me so much of when I was their age. It made me so happy to think they value my advice and opinions. (G. Hine, Personal Communication, October 7th 2012) Interview with Natalie Question: How would you define Happiness? Response: That is simple my children are my whole world.Everything they do brings happiness to me. Question: Has your definition of Happiness changed over time? Response: Yes with the birth of each of my children the happiness I experience grows more and more. Sure bad things have happened to me in the past but my children are my true reason for living and breathing each day. Question: What experiences have influenced your definition? Response: I would have to say the sole influence at this time is my children and I’m sure one day I will have grandchildren too. Question: Do you expect your defi nition to change in the future?Response: Yes I expect that it will change with time and with the birth of my grandchildren in the years to come. Question: What is your happiest memory to date? Response: My happiest memory to date was probably the birth of my oldest she is now 13 years old. She helped me in so many ways to become an adult and take responsibility for someone other than myself. I remember I was so scared to give birth but once she was brought to me and in my arms it’s like nothing I had ever experienced before. (N. Goodwin, Personal Communication, October 7th 2012) ? Understanding HappinessCharlotte Briscoe HU300 Kaplan University Happiness often means different things to different individuals and often individuals have different definitions of what happiness means to them. Some people define happiness as the pleasures we experience in our life this is what’s known as ‘Hedonism’. ‘Aristippus a Greek philosopher declared happiness to be the sum total of pleasures experienced during one’s life time’ (Janaro & Altshuler, 2009). Whilst some people believe happiness is defined by pleasures of life others believe that it is the avoidance of pain otherwise known as ‘Epicureanism’.The two people I interviewed defined happiness as spending time with their loved ones. This could fall under the category of ‘Hedonism’ since both of them state that spending time with their family is what makes them happy thus it could be labelled as a source of pleasure in their life. Both Gabrielle and Natalie state their happiness has everything to do with their family. In the case of Gabrielle it is her twin sisters and close friends whom are the definition of happiness for her, however this will more than likely change when she has children. On the other hand for Natalie it is her children whom define her happiness.She equates her happiness to spending time with her kids and the everyday activities t hat are involved with parenting. Both of these ladies know that family is precious and even though we may not see them for a while certainly in the case of Gabrielle it makes the time she spends with them special. Appreciating and loving family makes so many things in this world worthwhile. To share a life with family should be counted as one of life’s great pleasures. While both ladies have similar ideals about what their definition of happiness is it could be said that both these views will more than likely change and adapt as time goes past. Aristotelianism is defined as happiness as the quality of a whole life time. ’ â€Å"Happiness is the purpose for which we live. Aristotle concluded that happiness is not a moment to moment experience of pleasurable things but rather a way of characterizing how one’s life is being conducted. Happiness is living and having lived a good life†. (Janaro & Altshuler, 2009) While it could be said this definition of happi ness does not fit with the majority of individuals ideals of happiness it is actually quite interesting.Most elderly people who are terminally ill or just dying of old age will often say â€Å"I am happy; I have lived a good life. † Therefore it could be said that ‘Aristotelianism’ is an accurate definition of happiness certainly for that generation. We define and decide what makes us happy, we have a choice and freedom to decide if something makes us happy or not. Although definitions for happiness changes from person to person and culture to culture the ideals will be similar.What I mean by this is that a person living in America has the right to decide what makes them happy the same as a person living in Nepal. Their definitions will be slightly different and one probably more complex than the other but there is freedom to choose what makes individuals happy. This freedom in its self may add to the individual’s definition of what makes them happy. ? Ref erences Janaro R. P. & Altshuler T. C. (2009). The Art of Being Human: The humanities as a technique for living (Kaplan University Custom 2nd Ed. ). New York: Pearson Education, Inc.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Locke on Language Essay

John Locke (1632-1704) is a great influential British philosopher, reputed by many as the first of the great English empiricists. He offered a comprehensive philosophy of language as well, which was the first of its kind in modern philosophy. In line with Descartes, he pushed reason to the forefront as a tool of philosophical enquiry and opposed authoritarianism and blind acceptance of dictates of religion or superstitions. Locke’s masterpiece, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, concerns itself with determining the limits of human understanding and the legitimacy of knowledge claims. Specifically, Book III of the work investigates into language and its importance in the process of knowledge and epistemological enquiries. Let me brief the main aspects of his approach to language and the context from which it evolves out. Body of the Essay (Lockean Enquiry into Language) In the four Books of the Essay, Locke considers the sources and nature of human knowledge and as a part of it he takes up a study of language. (An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Locke, 1. 1. 7. , p. 47). Against Descartes, he claimed, that mind has no innate ideas (primary notions or inborn ideas). Human mind is a tabula rasa (clear slate) and experiences write on it. In holding this view he subscribes to the axiom of empiricism that ‘there is nothing in the intellect that was not previously in the senses’. Ideas are but materials, out of which, knowledge is constructed. Neither speculative or innate moral principles, nor ideas, such as God, identity, etc. , are there in the mind of the new-born. ‘Children and the idiots prove it’, Locke says. His theory of substratum and substance, and the distinction he makes between primary and secondary qualities are all someway connected to his theory of language. The distinction between real essences and nominal essences, which he makes, stems from his theories of substance and qualities. It seems Locke holds some version of the representational theory of perception, though some scholars dispute it. Locke is not at all skeptic about substances as did Hume. Since Berkeley, Locke’s theory of the substratum or substance has been attacked as incoherent. Since we have no such experience of such an entity there is no way to derive such an idea from experience, his critics argue. (cf. I. IV. 18. p 95) The real essence of a material thing is its atomic constitution. The atomic constitution is the causal basis of all the observable properties of the thing. If the real essences were known all the observable properties could be deduced from it. These real essences are quite unknown to us according to Locke. Ayer interprets: ‘substance in general’ means whatever it is that supports qualities, while the real essence means ‘the particular atomic constitution lying behind observable qualities. Ayer treats the unknown substratum as the same as real essence. This interpretation eliminates the need to explain particulars without properties. But it is to be accepted that such reductionism lacks textual support from Locke and it conflicts some of Locke’s own positions according to some critics. A theory of meaning (semantic theory) is central to any philosophical account of language Locke also develops one when he claims that our words (general terms) refer to our (abstract) ideas. Abstract ideas and classification are of central importance to Locke’s discussion of language. Words that stand for ideas can be distinguished as ideas of substances, simple modes, mixed modes, relations etc. Not all words are ideas, for example, particles that relate. In his analysis of language, Locke gives more attention to nouns than to verbs (II. 7. 1. p 471). Though Locke’s main semantic theory claimed that â€Å"Words in their primary or immediate signification signify nothing but the ideas in the mind of him that uses them†, it was vehemently criticized as a classic blunder in semantic theory. For J. S. Mill, Locke seems not distinguishing the meaning of the word from its reference. But as Norman Kretzmann rightly points out Locke distinguishes between meaning and reference (Tipton, 1977, pp. 123-140). In Locke’s discussion on substances, he says, physical substances are atoms and things made up of atoms. But we have no experience of the atomic structure of horses and tables. Horses and tables are known through secondary qualities such as color, taste, smell etc and primary qualities such as shape and extension. Hence he held that real essence cannot give meaning of names. Ordinary people are the chief makers of language, he believed. Conclusion Locke brought in a tradition in language theory that influenced James Campbell and I. A. Richards, rhetoricians like Edward P. J. Corbett, Condillac, Saussure and structuralists like Claude Levi-Strauss. Linguistic philosophy (logical positivism, logical atomism and so on) in 20th century had something to respond to Locke if not to receive from him. However, I wouldn’t reckon Locke as a linguist than an empiricist. References Locke, John (1995) An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Aemherst, New York: Prometheus Books. Kretzmann, Norman (1977) â€Å"The Main Thesis of Locke’s Semantic Theory†. in Locke on Human Understanding,(ed) I. C. Tipton. pp. 123-140.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Analysis on Mulan and the Twilight Saga

Women are to be beautiful, curvy, delicate, poised, graceful, refined, thin, curvy, quiet, demure and polite. Men are portrayed as the leaders of society, whereas women are only there to give birth to children. Manual is graceful, calm, and unique she is also beautiful and cur,y, Just like society wants. But that is where it stops. Unlike society wishes, she is not quiet, demure, or delicate. Instead she is intelligent, strong, and independent and is not afraid to be what she wants to be.And therefore, when the mime came when she did not want her father to lose his life in battle, she goes against society's standards when it comes to women on the battlefield and disguises herself as a man to be able to Join the army. She proves that she is Just as capable as a man by Joining the army and doing the same things the men do at training camp, If not more. But by the end of the movie, she saves the country. Feminists hope that people's outlook on female roles and equality will change for t he better, and In some ways the hope lies with the media.Books, movies, poems, songs, TV shows and any there types of influences on the public are their hope In delivering their message. Manual is an animated movie that many kids watch and enjoy from a young age. At a young age they start to develop opinions about everything they Interact with. Therefore, developing a movie like Manual will Influence the children to treat females as equals. The treatment of females will be Improved through the next generation. This will help the feminists with their cause.Twilight Throughout the story, Bella Swan does not have trouble coming to a decision as all ere decisions are based on the fact If a decision will bring her closer to Edward or help him. Her choices are not based on her benefits or what will help her, which portrays the sexist outlook of women – weak, obedient, and not equal – which has been shown throughout history. In New Moon, when Edward leaves Bella, she does eve rything In her power to be able to see Edward, from rolling a motorcycle recklessly to Jumping Off cliff Into stormy waves.This also shows that women are nothing without men, which Is not what the fervently movement wants. Yes the love they had for each other and the devotion that was expressed In the novel was well-played, but the weakness of the female lead does not push society to accept woman as equals economically, politically, or socially. This book does not promote female equality but Instead female Inequality. Furthermore, Bella relies on Edward for her to live and on Jacob In New Moon. Analysis on Manual and the Twilight Saga Through a Feminist Point of View By Chocolate's beautiful and curvy, Just like society wants.But that is where it stops. Unlike society y Joining the army and doing the same things the men do at training camp, if not people's outlook on female roles and equality will change for the better, and in some other types of influences on the public are their h ope in delivering their message. Young age they start to develop opinions about everything they interact with. Therefore, developing a movie like Manual will influence the children to treat females as equals. The treatment of females will be improved through the next generation.Throughout the story, Bella Swan does not have trouble coming to a decision as all ere decisions are based on the fact if a decision will bring her closer to Edward or everything in her power to be able to see Edward, from riding a motorcycle recklessly to Jumping off a cliff into stormy waves. This also shows that women are nothing without men, which is not what the feminist movement wants. Yes the love they had for each other and the devotion that was expressed in the novel was well-played, but instead female inequality. Furthermore, Bella relies on Edward for her to live and on Jacob in New Moon.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Presented in Romeo and Juliet Essay

During the Play of Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare portrays a very strong relationship between Juliet and her father, Lord Capulet. His initial attitude shows him as a caring, protective father who wants what is best for his daughter. This caring manner continues until Scene 5 of Act 3, in which Juliet defies her father, who wishes for her to marry the County Paris. This scene acts as a turning point in the play; Lord Capulet is now shown as a malevolent father who has his own intentions for his daughter’s future. However, when Juliet returns apologetically to her father, and agrees to marry Paris, he once again returns to being the loving and caring father we initially identified. Lord Capulet’s initial attitude to his daughter was generally kind and compassionate. He calls her his ‘hopeful lady of my earth’ which implies that he expects her to do well for herself. We see him as a typical father late in the 16th Century. It was commonplace for fathers to be in charge of who their daughter married, and Lord Capulet decided that Paris, a handsome, wealthy kinsman to the prince, would be able to provide for his daughter’s future.  Lord Capulet is very protective over Juliet, he does not think she is ‘ripe to be a bride’ because she is ‘yet a stranger to the world’ and ‘hath not seen the change of fourteen years’. This prominently reminds us of both Lord Capulet’s protectiveness, and the ongoing theme of youth and age throughout the play. The point at which Lord Capulet ceases from acting behind the caring faà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ade come in Scene 5 of Act 3 in the play. Juliet refuses to marry Paris when her mother tells her that they have arranged her marriage. Juliet, who is secretly already married to Romeo, cannot go ahead with the marriage to Paris, and she tells her mother that she is not ready to be married so soon after Tybalt’s death. Although upset, her mother does not overreact to this situation, and it is only when her father enters that the situation becomes overwhelming. He shouts at her, is unpleasant towards her, and threatens to disown her if she does not do as he says. Lady Capulet is then drawn into more of a quarrelsome situation with her daughter, her line ‘Fie, fie! what, are you mad?’ could be interpreted either as directed towards her husband or Juliet. It would seem that it was towards her husband as later in the scene she says to Lord Capulet ‘You are too hot’, which indicates that he is becoming too aggressive and malicious to his own daughter. This would suggest that Lord Capulet has a very influential personality, and he is able to get other people to do what he wants them to because of his authority, and their fear of what he will say if they, like Juliet did, refuse to co-operate.  Lord Capulet’s view of a daughter is that they are almost like property, who should be married to a handsome and wealthy gentleman when they are old enough to take on this responsibility. It was usual for this to happen, and so was not treated with the same scepticism as today. In one of Paris’ meetings with Lord Capulet he tells him that ‘younger than she are happy mothers made’. This implies that girls who are younger than Juliet are not only already married, but mothers as well. Even when her own mother asks her about marriage, she says it is ‘an honour I dream not of’, suggesting she does not feel ready for marriage, even when her mother reminds us that ‘younger than you †¦ are already made mothers’. Generally, Lord Capulet does care for his daughter, but does not respect her wishes and opinions as we would expect in today’s modern society. Capulet’s anger at Juliet’s defiance was the first point when we saw another side to him. He returns to being the gentle father only when Juliet comes to apologise to him. She tells him she has been at confession and has come to accept the offer of marriage from Paris. Her father then becomes the agreeable jovial character we first knew. His angry personality is only evident if things are not going in according with his plans, or Juliet is disobedient to him; he is almost like a spoilt child who does not like it when he does not get what he wants. When Juliet appears to be dead in Scene 5 of Act 4, Capulet seems to be devastated. He states that death ‘lies on her like an untimely frost’ which to all the other people on stage is accepted as a genuine comment from a grieving father. Alternatively, this could have been interpreted as another selfish comment; the use of the word ‘untimely’ emphasising the inconvenience of it to his plans. Capulet is once again being slightly selfish, he feels as though he has lost a daughter, rather than his daughter has lost her life, and he is worrying about how it will affect him instead of grieving for her. At the end of the play when Friar Lawrence Tells everyone the truth about the events through the play, I think Lord Capulet realises how narrow-minded he has been. He recognises that he has not treated his daughter with the respect she needed, and is aware that she had to marry Romeo secretly because he would never have agreed to it.  It is this recognition of the error of his ways that leaves the audience feeling that Lord Capulet is a good father. He acts upon what he has learnt straight away by calling Lord Montague his ‘brother’, and asking him to ‘give me thy hand’ to help them reach a better understanding. Behind Lord Capulet’s capricious faade, we see a father who cares for his daughter, but does not always know how to show it. His unpredictable nature was due to this, and it is not until the end of the play when the ‘true’ Lord Capulet is revealed. He shows remorse towards the death of his daughter and Romeo also, and looks towards the Montagues to help each other in grieving for their children by settling the dispute between the families.  Overall, Capulet is a good father to Juliet, but his influential position makes him feel under constant pressure to do what is right; both for his daughter and his image to the rest of the Capulets.

An Introduction to Tax

tax rate schedule, how much federal tax will he owe? What is his average tax rate? What is his effective tax rate? What is his current marginal tax rate? Chuck will owe $14,875 in federal income tax this year computed as follows: $14,875 = $4,750 + 25%($75,000 – $34,500)). Chuck’s average tax rate is 19. 83%. Average Tax Rate = [pic]=[pic] = 19. 83% Chuck’s effective tax rate is 17. 50 percent. Effective tax rate = [pic] = [pic] = 17. 50% Chuck is currently in the 25 percent tax rate bracket. His marginal tax rate on increases in income up to $8,600 and deductions from income up to $40,500 is 25 percent. 35) [LO3] Using the facts in the previous problem, if Chuck earns an additional $40,000 of taxable income, what is his marginal tax rate on this income? What is his marginal rate if, instead, he had $40,000 of additional deductions? If Chuck earns an additional $40,000 of taxable income, his marginal tax rate on the income is 27. 36 percent. Marginal Tax Rate = [pic]= [pic] = 27. 6% If Chuck instead had $40,000 of additional tax deductions, his marginal tax rate on the deductions would be 25. 00 percent. Marginal Tax Rate = [pic]= [pic] = 25. 00% 36) [LO3] In reviewing the tax rate schedule for a single taxpayer, Chuck notes that the tax on $75,000 is $4,750 plus 25 percent of the taxable income over $34,500. What does the $4,750 represent? The $4,750 represents the income tax on $34,500 – i. e. , $850 + 15% ($34,500 – 8,500). 42) [LO3] Scot and Vidia, married taxpayers, earn $240,000 in taxable income and $5,000 in interest from an investment in City of Tampa bonds. Using the U. S. tax rate schedule for married filing jointly, how much federal tax will they owe? What is their average tax rate? What is their effective tax rate? What is their current marginal tax rate? Scot and Vidia will owe $56,654. 50 in federal income tax this year computed as follows: $56,654. 50 = $47,513. 50 + 33%($240,000 – $212,300). Scot and Vidia’s average tax rate is 23. 61 percent. Average Tax Rate = [pic]=[pic] = 23. 61% Scot and Vidia’s effective tax rate is 23. 12 percent. Effective tax rate = [pic] = [pic] = 23. 12% Scot and Vidia are currently in the 33 percent tax rate bracket. Their marginal tax rate on increases in income up to $139,150 and deductions up to $27,700 is 33 percent. 43) [LO3] Using the facts in the previous problem, if Scot and Vidia earn an additional $70,000 of taxable income, what is their marginal tax rate on this income? How would your answer differ if they, instead, had $70,000 of additional deductions? If Scot and Vidia earn an additional $70,000 of taxable income, their marginal tax rate on the income is 33 percent. Marginal Tax Rate = [pic]= [pic] = 33. 00% If Scot and Vidia instead had $70,000 of additional tax deductions, their marginal tax rate on the deductions would be 29. 98 percent. Marginal Tax Rate = [pic]= [pic] = 29. 98% 47) [LO3,LO4 PLANNING] Fergie has the choice between investing in a State of New York bond at 5 percent and a Surething bond at 8 percent. Assuming that both bonds have the same nontax characteristics and that Fergie has a 30 percent marginal tax rate, in which bond should she invest? Fergie’s after tax rate of return on the tax exempt State of New York bond is 5 percent. The Surething bond pays taxable interest of 8 percent. Fergie’s after tax rate of return on the Surething bond is 5. 6 percent (i. e. , 8% interest income – (8% x 30%) tax = 5. 6%). Fergie should invest in the Surething bond. 8) [LO4 PLANNING] Using the facts in the previous problem, what interest rate does the state of New York need to offer to make Fergie indifferent between investing in the two bonds? To be indifferent between investing in the two bonds, the State of New York bond should provide Fergie the same after-tax rate of return as the Surethi ng bond. Fergie’s after tax rate of return on the Surething bond is 5. 6 percent (i. e. , 8% interest income – (8% x 30%) tax = 5. 6%). The state of New York needs to offer a 5. 6 percent interest rate to generate a 5. 6 percent after-tax return tomake Fergie indifferent between investing in the two bonds. 1) [LO5] Song earns $100,000 taxable income as an interior designer and is taxed at an average rate of 20 percent (i. e. , $20,000 of tax). If Congress increases the income tax rate such that Song’s average tax rate increases from 20 percent to 25 percent, how much more income tax will she pay assuming that the income effect is descriptive? What effect will this tax rate change have on the tax base and tax collected? Under the current income tax, Song has $80,000 of income after tax. If the income effect is descriptive and Congress increases tax rates so that Song’s average tax rate is 25 percent, Song will need to earn to $106,666. 7 to continue to hav e $80,000 of income after tax. After-tax income = Pretax income (1 – tax rate) $80,000 = Pretax income (1 -. 25) Pretax income = $106,666. 67 Song will pay $26,666. 67 in tax ($106,666. 67 x . 25). Accordingly, if the income effect is descriptive, the tax base and the tax collected will increase. 52) [LO5] Using the facts from the previous problem, what will happen to the government’s tax revenues if Song chooses to spend more time pursuing her other passions besides work in response to the tax rate change and earns only $75,000 in taxable income? What is the term that describes this type of reaction to a tax rate increase? What types of taxpayers are likely to respond in this manner? If Song only earns $75,000 of taxable income, she would pay only $18,750 of tax under the new tax structure (i. e. , $75,000 x . 25). Thus, the government’s tax revenues would decrease by $1,250 (i. e. , $18,750 – $20,000). This is an example of the substitution effect, which may be descriptive for taxpayers with more disposable income. 60) [LO5 PLANNING] Congress would like to increase tax revenues by 10 percent. Assume that the average taxpayer in the United States earns $65,000 and pays an average tax rate of 15 percent. If the income effect is in effect for all taxpayers, what average tax rate will result in a 10 percent increase in tax revenues? This is an example of what type of forecasting? This analysis is an example of dynamic forecasting. Based on the information above, the average taxpayer pays $9,750 of tax (i. e. , $65,000 x 15%), leaving $55,250 of income after tax. A 10 percent increase in revenues would mean that the average taxpayer pays $10,725 in tax ($9,750 x 1. 0). With this new tax amount, we can solve for the tax rate that would generate this tax amount. After-tax income = Pretax income x (1 – tax rate) After-tax income = Pretax income – (Pretax income x tax rate) After-tax income = Pretax income – Tax Substituting information from the problem results in: $55,250 = Pretax income – $10,725 Pretax income = $65,975 We can use the above formula to solve for the new tax rate. After-tax income = Pretax income x (1 – tax rate) $55,250 = $65,975 x (1 – tax rate) Tax rate = $10,725/$65,975 = 16. 26% An Introduction to Tax tax rate schedule, how much federal tax will he owe? What is his average tax rate? What is his effective tax rate? What is his current marginal tax rate? Chuck will owe $14,875 in federal income tax this year computed as follows: $14,875 = $4,750 + 25%($75,000 – $34,500)). Chuck’s average tax rate is 19. 83%. Average Tax Rate = [pic]=[pic] = 19. 83% Chuck’s effective tax rate is 17. 50 percent. Effective tax rate = [pic] = [pic] = 17. 50% Chuck is currently in the 25 percent tax rate bracket. His marginal tax rate on increases in income up to $8,600 and deductions from income up to $40,500 is 25 percent. 35) [LO3] Using the facts in the previous problem, if Chuck earns an additional $40,000 of taxable income, what is his marginal tax rate on this income? What is his marginal rate if, instead, he had $40,000 of additional deductions? If Chuck earns an additional $40,000 of taxable income, his marginal tax rate on the income is 27. 36 percent. Marginal Tax Rate = [pic]= [pic] = 27. 6% If Chuck instead had $40,000 of additional tax deductions, his marginal tax rate on the deductions would be 25. 00 percent. Marginal Tax Rate = [pic]= [pic] = 25. 00% 36) [LO3] In reviewing the tax rate schedule for a single taxpayer, Chuck notes that the tax on $75,000 is $4,750 plus 25 percent of the taxable income over $34,500. What does the $4,750 represent? The $4,750 represents the income tax on $34,500 – i. e. , $850 + 15% ($34,500 – 8,500). 42) [LO3] Scot and Vidia, married taxpayers, earn $240,000 in taxable income and $5,000 in interest from an investment in City of Tampa bonds. Using the U. S. tax rate schedule for married filing jointly, how much federal tax will they owe? What is their average tax rate? What is their effective tax rate? What is their current marginal tax rate? Scot and Vidia will owe $56,654. 50 in federal income tax this year computed as follows: $56,654. 50 = $47,513. 50 + 33%($240,000 – $212,300). Scot and Vidia’s average tax rate is 23. 61 percent. Average Tax Rate = [pic]=[pic] = 23. 61% Scot and Vidia’s effective tax rate is 23. 12 percent. Effective tax rate = [pic] = [pic] = 23. 12% Scot and Vidia are currently in the 33 percent tax rate bracket. Their marginal tax rate on increases in income up to $139,150 and deductions up to $27,700 is 33 percent. 43) [LO3] Using the facts in the previous problem, if Scot and Vidia earn an additional $70,000 of taxable income, what is their marginal tax rate on this income? How would your answer differ if they, instead, had $70,000 of additional deductions? If Scot and Vidia earn an additional $70,000 of taxable income, their marginal tax rate on the income is 33 percent. Marginal Tax Rate = [pic]= [pic] = 33. 00% If Scot and Vidia instead had $70,000 of additional tax deductions, their marginal tax rate on the deductions would be 29. 98 percent. Marginal Tax Rate = [pic]= [pic] = 29. 98% 47) [LO3,LO4 PLANNING] Fergie has the choice between investing in a State of New York bond at 5 percent and a Surething bond at 8 percent. Assuming that both bonds have the same nontax characteristics and that Fergie has a 30 percent marginal tax rate, in which bond should she invest? Fergie’s after tax rate of return on the tax exempt State of New York bond is 5 percent. The Surething bond pays taxable interest of 8 percent. Fergie’s after tax rate of return on the Surething bond is 5. 6 percent (i. e. , 8% interest income – (8% x 30%) tax = 5. 6%). Fergie should invest in the Surething bond. 8) [LO4 PLANNING] Using the facts in the previous problem, what interest rate does the state of New York need to offer to make Fergie indifferent between investing in the two bonds? To be indifferent between investing in the two bonds, the State of New York bond should provide Fergie the same after-tax rate of return as the Surethi ng bond. Fergie’s after tax rate of return on the Surething bond is 5. 6 percent (i. e. , 8% interest income – (8% x 30%) tax = 5. 6%). The state of New York needs to offer a 5. 6 percent interest rate to generate a 5. 6 percent after-tax return tomake Fergie indifferent between investing in the two bonds. 1) [LO5] Song earns $100,000 taxable income as an interior designer and is taxed at an average rate of 20 percent (i. e. , $20,000 of tax). If Congress increases the income tax rate such that Song’s average tax rate increases from 20 percent to 25 percent, how much more income tax will she pay assuming that the income effect is descriptive? What effect will this tax rate change have on the tax base and tax collected? Under the current income tax, Song has $80,000 of income after tax. If the income effect is descriptive and Congress increases tax rates so that Song’s average tax rate is 25 percent, Song will need to earn to $106,666. 7 to continue to hav e $80,000 of income after tax. After-tax income = Pretax income (1 – tax rate) $80,000 = Pretax income (1 -. 25) Pretax income = $106,666. 67 Song will pay $26,666. 67 in tax ($106,666. 67 x . 25). Accordingly, if the income effect is descriptive, the tax base and the tax collected will increase. 52) [LO5] Using the facts from the previous problem, what will happen to the government’s tax revenues if Song chooses to spend more time pursuing her other passions besides work in response to the tax rate change and earns only $75,000 in taxable income? What is the term that describes this type of reaction to a tax rate increase? What types of taxpayers are likely to respond in this manner? If Song only earns $75,000 of taxable income, she would pay only $18,750 of tax under the new tax structure (i. e. , $75,000 x . 25). Thus, the government’s tax revenues would decrease by $1,250 (i. e. , $18,750 – $20,000). This is an example of the substitution effect, which may be descriptive for taxpayers with more disposable income. 60) [LO5 PLANNING] Congress would like to increase tax revenues by 10 percent. Assume that the average taxpayer in the United States earns $65,000 and pays an average tax rate of 15 percent. If the income effect is in effect for all taxpayers, what average tax rate will result in a 10 percent increase in tax revenues? This is an example of what type of forecasting? This analysis is an example of dynamic forecasting. Based on the information above, the average taxpayer pays $9,750 of tax (i. e. , $65,000 x 15%), leaving $55,250 of income after tax. A 10 percent increase in revenues would mean that the average taxpayer pays $10,725 in tax ($9,750 x 1. 0). With this new tax amount, we can solve for the tax rate that would generate this tax amount. After-tax income = Pretax income x (1 – tax rate) After-tax income = Pretax income – (Pretax income x tax rate) After-tax income = Pretax income – Tax Substituting information from the problem results in: $55,250 = Pretax income – $10,725 Pretax income = $65,975 We can use the above formula to solve for the new tax rate. After-tax income = Pretax income x (1 – tax rate) $55,250 = $65,975 x (1 – tax rate) Tax rate = $10,725/$65,975 = 16. 26%

Friday, September 13, 2019

Cross Cultural Management - International Teams Essay

Cross Cultural Management - International Teams - Essay Example They include Individualism; this dimension show the extent to which the people value self determination in the organization, different from their behaviors becomes examined by the collective will of the group in the organization. Power distance; in this dimension lies the question of involvement in the decision making. In the lower power distance cultures, employees always seek involvement and tend to have a desire for a participative management type. The employees will tend to work in a certain way, because they comprehend the fact that they get asked to do so by the organization managers. Uncertainty avoidance; this dimensions deals with the employees tolerance of the ambiguity in their environment. In the cultures that have high uncertainty avoidance, the employees will look for the clearly defined, stipulated rules and regulations that govern their individual behaviors. Masculinity or femininity; in the highly male cultures, the dominant values relate to the assertiveness and the material acquisition. In the highly feminists cultures, the values focus on the relationship among different people, the need to help others and the quality of life. Intercultural communication in an organization creates teamwork. It enables the employees understand each other’s cultural differences, and to be able to communicate efficiently without creating or raising misunderstandings. In a successful intercultural communication, employees are able to comprehend the cultures of different people on their behaviors and the communication tendencies. This creates teamwork as the employees respect each other’s unique talents, cultural background and capabilities. When employees are aware of other people’s cultural influences, stereotyping gets eliminated which is always a danger to teamwork and effective communication. Understanding different cultures is a key to organizations success. One cannot understand other people’s culture without forming close relat ionships with these people. Intercultural friendships can develop among employees. However, how those friendships get formed and how they become viewed in an organization differs from one culture to the other culture. Some people need their space in all areas, and they see those who encroach in their space as threats. Personal space is an example some people require less or greater distances between them. A Japanese individual who does not need much space will stand next to an American; this will make the American uncomfortable. According to Hall, all cultures can be situated in relation to one another according to the styles in which they communicate. He proposed differences in high- and low-context cultural dimension that depends on how identity rests in the total communication framework. He claimed that different cultural frameworks for organizing and defining space, which becomes internalized everybody at an unconscious level, creates serious failures of communication and unders tanding in different cultural settings. According to hall; Intimate space; is the closest space surrounding an individual and it is only acceptable to very close friends and dear intimates. Consultative and social space; is the space that people feel comfortable conducting their social routines with friends and strangers. Public space; this is the space area where people will perceive interactions as impersonal and relatively anonymous. Ethical practices are other contentious areas for the intercultural teams. The awareness of own and